Stark Engineering is a materials engineering consulting firm located in North Vancouver. We serve clients across British Columbia and have over 20 years of consulting engineering experience practicing in the following areas (Click on the underlined text or the PDF icons to view our Downloadable Service Brochures. Check back often as we will be adding more shortly!):
Corrosion Engineering; Soil Testing; Microbiologically Influenced Corrosion
Fitness for Service Assessments
Non-Destructive Testing (Scope, Acceptance Criteria, and Interpretation of Results)
Failure Analysis
Large and Small Scale Failure Investigations
Root Cause Analysis
Understanding Failure Mechanisms
Systemic and Organizational Failure Factors
Welding Engineering
Welding Quality Assurance (QA)
Non-Destructive Testing of Welds (Acceptance Criteria and Testing Techniques)
Materials Engineering
Chemical Analysis (Alloy or Class Identification)
Mechanical Properties Testing (e.g. Tensile, Impact Toughness, Hardness)
Microstructural Examination
Materials Selection
The above list is not exhaustive, if you need a solution to a materials engineering challenge, Stark Engineering wants to work with you.
Downloadable Service Brochures:
Let’s Work Together
We’re always looking for new opportunities. Please get in touch and we will contact you about beginning the proposal process.